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Breadcrumb trail:

The effect of different question presentation modes on relevance ratings.


Grosso LJ, Song H, Baranowski RA, Lipner RS, Poniatowski PA. — American Board of Internal Medicine

Presented: American Educational Research Association Meeting, April 2011

Background: Ratings about question relevance to practice are collected for a medical certification exam to help ensure the validity of score inferences. This study examined the comparability of relevance ratings for three levels of question detail: full question, question stem and lead line, and testing point. In addition, ratings were collected on the importance of knowledge of a topic and frequency topic knowledge is required in practice. Altogether 765 physicians rated 60 questions presented in three modes. Ratings were high regardless of question mode, as was reliability. Findings suggest testing point may be a reasonable surrogate for full questions in the review process. Importance and relevance ratings are comparable. Frequency rating may tap a different construct.

For more information about this presentation, please contact Research@abim.org.