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Comparison of time used by U.S. medical graduates and international medical graduates on maintenance of certification exams across multiple disciplines.


Cubbellotti S, Zhang Y, Bashkov BM. — American Board of Internal Medicine

Presented: American Educational Research Association Conference, April 2016

Abstract: This paper expands on the work by Zhang and Cubbellotti (2015) by continuing the analysis of potential differences in medical certification exam performance of United States medical graduates (USMGs) and international medical graduates (IMGs) based on exam item characteristics. Three different exams were analyzed for generalization and comparison purposes. We found that IMGs took longer to answer items on average; character count and the cognitive type of the item influenced item response time. In addition, there were small but significant item characteristic effects that contributed to the difference in time used by USMGs and IMGs.

For more information about this presentation, please contact Research@abim.org.