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Creative uses of indirect data sources collected during computer-based testing.


Bovell D, Lipner RS, Grosso L. — American Board of Internal Medicine

Presented: Association of Test Publishers Annual Meeting, February 2010

Abstract: Computer-based testing systems collect large amounts of examinee data during the testing experience. Testing organizations can use these data to make more informed decisions about the exam process not possible with a paper-and-pencil format. We described how to use four data sources to make more informed decisions about testing conditions outside acceptable delivery standards, security issues and quality improvement. The four sources include break-time data, key stroke logs, survey comments and proctor incident reports. We demonstrated how break-time data can be used to determine if scheduled break-time is sufficient and if unscheduled break-time is excessive signaling a possible security breach. We explained the data captured in the key-stroke logs, surveys and proctor reports and how we use these collectively to determine whether testing conditions were hampered by outside events and exceed acceptable delivery standards. Lastly, we discussed how we use these same sources for improving our testing programs.

For more information about this presentation, please contact Research@abim.org.