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Factors influencing maintenance of certification performance for general internists and surgeons.


Lipner RS, Song H, Biester TW, Rhodes RS. — American Board of Internal Medicine and American Board of Surgery

Presented: American Educational Research Association Conference, April 2009

Abstract: This study investigated factors that might influence general internists and surgeons' performance on the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) examination. Factors examined include practice setting, gender, age, performance on initial certification examination, medical school type, program director’s rating of overall clinic competence and continuing medical education (CME) activity. Physicians with higher initial certificate score and program director's rating, being of younger age and having obtained more CME credits, are more likely to pass the MOC examination, whereas physicians in solo practice who are international medical graduates (IMG) are less likely to succeed in the MOC examination. By identifying factors that influence physician's performance on credential maintenance, this study verifies the importance of continuing medical education for physicians in practice.

For more information about this presentation, please contact Research@abim.org.