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Interventions to Address the Opioid Crisis: A Hospital Opioid Committee-Based Approach

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Chinle Comprehensive Care Center is a critical access Indian Health Services (IHS) hospital on the Navajo reservation in northeastern Arizona. Like members of many other rural communities across the nation, the Navajo in this region have been hard hit by the opioid epidemic. The Chinle Opioid Committee is a multi-disciplinary committee whose job it has been to help cope locally with this epidemic.

To participate in this activity:

Activity Title: Interventions to Address the Opioid Crisis: A Hospital Opioid Committee-Based Approach
Contact: Sayumi DeSilva
Contact Email: sayumi.desilva@ihs.gov
Activity URL: N/A

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Activity Detail Labels Activity Detail Data
MOC points: 20
Earns Patient Safety Credit: False
Fee: False
Registration:* Limited
  • Internal Medicine

* Registration is “limited” for activities that are designed primarily for the sponsor organization's faculty, staff, membership, or another specific audience. For information about whether you may participate in an activity with limited registration, please contact the activity sponsor directly.