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Complete your MOC requirements by 12/31/24 to avoid a change in certification status Expand/Collapse the ABIM alert.

Sign in to your Physician Portal to view any remaining requirements for the year. Not completing these requirements by 12/31/24 could result in a change to “Not Certified” for one or more certificates.

ABIM will be closing at 5:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, 12/12/24 Expand/Collapse the ABIM alert.

Our offices will re-open on Friday, 12/13/24 at 8:30 a.m. ET. For your convenience, you may contact us by email at request@abim.org

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ABIM's Academic Affairs department is dedicated to working closely with the graduate medical education community to enhance residency and fellowship training through faculty development, education and research.

We strive to support the academic community by encouraging program directors to critically assess and evaluate trainee competence. This assessment helps to ensure that trainees have acquired the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to advance in their careers by:

  • Establishing a relationship between the trainee and the faculty who train them;
  • Providing education and tools to help faculty improve their assessment of trainees;
  • Communicating the value of ABIM Board Certification and Maintenance of Certification to trainees early in their medical careers; and
  • Supporting academic leaders in their efforts to engage trainees in lifelong professional development.

The Tracking section in ABIM’s Exam Administration department is committed to working in conjunction with the graduate medical community to track trainees in internal medicine and subspecialty training programs.

We strive to foster a relationship with both the trainee and the faculty to ensure trainees are eligible to sit for the initial certification exam by:

  • Establishing internal records for new trainees upon completion of training;
  • Following trainees through their training career;
  • Identifying deficiencies at the end of each academic cycle; and
  • Reviewing and finalizing exam applications.
Contact Us
  • Academic Affairs can provide resources for training program assessment tools, faculty development initiatives, certification policies and FasTrack® evaluations.

    Call 1-800-441-2246 or e-mail AcademicAffairs@abim.org

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